Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ahhh technology. I'm text blogging.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Top 10 Hottest Celebrity Men

Okay. So I'm sitting here unemployed, bored, and lazy, and I'm trying to think of something I can write about. Anything I usually think of is either too personal, corny, or not interesting in the slightest. Not that this is about to be interesting at all, but I'd rather it be boring than personal. So, I decided to list my version of the top 10 hottest celebrity men. Be prepared to not agree with me at all. I accept that, and welcome your negative feedback. These are not in particular order by the way - that would take too much time and effort.

1.  William Petersen. Yes, he's an older cat. Yes, he walks funny. But holy God, as Grissom he is damn sexy. We might have to come to an agreement about the bugs, though.
2. Gary Sinise. No, I didn't want to go to a CSI theme and sound like a giant nerd. And no, there is no way that David Caruso is making this list. BUT COME ON - Lieutenant Dan is hot. And to top it all off he's in a band. The Lt. Dan Band.  Granted, he only plays bass, but whatever, that's still brownie points. 

3. Neil Young AND Tom Petty. Okay, this is where I probably lose most of you, and most of you click the little X on the top of your browser screen. And I decided to combine them in one category to save from the harassment I will get from these choices. What's kind of sad is I spent the last 15 minutes trying to find a recent enough picture where Tom didn't look like Crypt Keeper. Bonus points for getting Mike Campbell in my picture though, he should be on this list, too. Okay, so anyway, I don't need to argue my point. Go see Tom Petty in concert or Neil Young in concert and THEN tell me they aren't hot. 
4. Johnny Depp. Okay, there is not one single straight female girl out there that can argue with me on this one. This guy got it all. He's a stellar actor, he's a pirate, he's in bands and makes surprisingly good music, he's rich, he's intelligent, he has pretty cool friends ... and he even has a tattoo that used to say WINONA FOREVER and he changed it to WINO FOREVER. Awesome. I'm sold.
5. Well, I was going to originally stick to people who were still alive. But ya know what, there's slim pickin's out there. GREGORY PECK. Class and height are attractive things, and he's got a lot of both. They don't make men like him anymore, and damnit, I wish they did. 

6. No list of hot men can be complete without the King. I'd even have taken him in his fat years. Besides his obvious good looks and his amazing voice, he was the coolest mother f'er to ever walk on this planet. If you have never seen his 68 Comeback Special, I advise you to do so immediately if not sooner. Besides being unbelievably cool, he gave that Mama's boy, innocent, gentleman vibe. I would dig a Southern boy who gives his mama a pink Cadillac ... as long as I got one too. Basically, a guy who enjoys a banana and peanut butter sandwich is all right with me. 
7. ANTHONY BOURDAIN. I'm trying to keep this a list of mostly breathing people. That sounds like Princess Bride (mostly dead) ... but anyway, I digress. Anthony Bourdain is a chain smoking, cursing, world traveling, food making, food eating, converse wearing, 7 feet of pure sexiness. I love tall men. I know this is relatively surprising considering my recent ex-boyfriend is about 2 inches taller than me, but I swear I do. Besides we both can't stand Rachael Ray, so at least we have that in common. Watch his show, No Reservations on the travel channel. 

8. Robert Downey, Jr. Here's the bad guy that you totally love and you know you shouldn't, but you're convinced he's changed. Basically he's forgiven of all wrong because he's drop dead gorgeous. I'd take Iron Man any day.

9. OL' BLUE EYES. Frank Sinatra could charm the pants off of anyone. He was a Jersey Boy, for God's sake. Sure, he was probably a jerk-off, but it was Frank's world, and we were just living in it. No one can make me swoon like Frankie can. 

10. Johnny Cash. Listening to Johnny Cash is like slipping into a hot bath with lavender scented soap for me. He was so damn handsome, so bad ass, such a great person ... words aren't enough. He was all that and a bag of chips. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Testing, testing ...

How do I do this? I'm gonna hate this and never use it, I know it.